My Role
Team Leader & Mentor
The Key Skills
Design Leadership, Coaching, Design Critiques, Figma
2019, 2022-2023
The Background
During my time on this team, the Security Space Center program has gone under two redesigns. The first one when I was the Lead UX Designer and was mentoring the lead designer on the project in 2019. This redesign and rebrand was due to a review by our Diversity and Inclusion group that flagged the "Security Ninja Program" as problematic. I helped mentor and guide the lead designer to work with various stakeholder groups on that initial rebrand to Security Space Center.
In 2022, my team and our L&D consultants engaged with our Security & Trust Organization (STO) to redesign elements of the Security Space Center program, helping enhance the usability & navigation, learner support, SME engagement, and the course feedback process. The primary motivation for the change was to transition the program from an in-house developed platform to a third-party platform, Xyleme. The result was meaningful impact that the Space Center team characterized as “breathing new life” into one of the most consumed learning programs in all of Cisco (over 100,000 Cisco employees in the past 10 years).
Lessons Learned
The first time we worked with that group, that was my first time stepping into more of a leadership / mentorship role on a project. It was a good learning and growth opportunity for me to provide guidance and thoughts but not really be in the throws of the work. It was really one of the first times I got a taste for design leadership and made the realization that I really did like that side of things.
The second time around, this was one of our most successful projects that we delivered on as it was the first learning product in our new organization and structure. We transitioned to an Agile way of working and we really shifted to building products. The team really leaned into conducting a Design Sprint with our stakeholders, leaned into some light-weight UX Research and really opened the eyes of not only that team but also our own team that "design" doesn't have to be slow and aren't just "workshops". They wrote gleaming testimonials in a time we needed a win the most.

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